Claudio Campagna, Richard Condit, Mariano Ferrari, Julieta Campagna, Elena Eder, Marcela Uhart, Ralph E. T. Vanstreels, Valeria Falabella, Mirtha N. Lewis. Predicting Population Consequences of an Epidemic of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza on Southern Elephant Seals. Marine Mammal Science. In press.
Kuiken, Vanstreels, Banyard, Begeman, Breed, Fijn, Serafini, Uhart, Wille, Dewar. Emergence, spread, and impact of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wild birds and mammals of South America and Antarctica, October 2022 to March 2024. Conservation Biology. In press. Preprint at EcoEvoRxiv
Aguado, B., Begeman, L., Günther, A., Iervolino, M., Soto, F., Vanstreels, R.E.T., Reade, A., Coerper, A., Wallis, B., Alcamí, A., Dewar, M., 2024. Searching for high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in Antarctica. Nature Microbiology.
Bartlett, M., Uhart, M. Leveraging one health as a sentinel approach for pandemic resilience. Virol J 21, 269 (2024).
Robert L Brownell Jr, Douglas J. Krause, Alastair M.M. Baylis, Carolina A. Bonin, Larissa R. Oliveira, Marcela M. Uhart, Mauricio Ulloa, George M. Watters. 2024. Avian Influenza H5N1 threatens imperiled krill-dependent predators in Antarctica. Opinion, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol 11:1453737.
Marcela Uhart, Ralph E. T. Vanstreels, Martha I. Nelson, Valeria Olivera, Julieta Campagna, Victoria Zavattieri, Philippe Lemey, Claudio Campagna, Valeria Falabella, Agustina Rimondi. 2024. Epidemiological data of an influenza A/H5N1 outbreak in elephant seals in Argentina indicates mammal-to-mammal transmission. Nature Communications. 2024 Nov 11;15(1):9516. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-53766-5
Rimondi A, Vanstreels RET, Olivera V, Donini A, Lauriente MM, Uhart MM. 2024. High-pathogenicity avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses from multispecies outbreak, Argentina, August 2023. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 30(4), 812-814.
C. Campagna, M. Uhart, V. Falabella, J. Campagna, V. Zavattieri, R.E.T. Vanstreels, M.N. Lewis. 2023. Catastrophic mortality of southern elephant seals caused by H5N1 avian influenza. Marine Mammal Science.
Leguía, M, A Garcia-Glaessner, B Muñoz-Saavedra, D Juarez, P Barrera, C Calvo-Mac, J Jara, W Silva, K Ploog, L Amaro, P Colchao-Claux, MM. Uhart, MI. Nelson, J Lescano. 2023. Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) in marine mammals and seabirds in Peru. Nature Communications 14, 5489 (2023).
FAO and World Organisation for Animal Health. 2025. Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (2024–2033) – Achieving sustainable, resilient poultry production systems. Rome.
Many resources here ACAP (Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels)
- Guidelines for working with albatrosses and petrels during the high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5Nx panzootic – November 2024
- Avian flu alert for fisheries crews onboard vessels
- Wet lab and training materials
Resources for conservation site managers. UNESCO.
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds. Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds statement on: H5N1 High pathogenicity avian influenza in wild birds - Unprecedented conservation impacts and urgent needs. July 2023
FAO Webinar “Managing large-scale highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks in wild birds”: [Part1] [Part2]
World Organisation for Animal Health
- Risk management for people personnel working with birds
- Considerations for emergency vaccination of wild birds against HPAI in immediate response to an outbreak or increased risk of introduction of HPAI
- Statement on impacts of HPAI on wildlife. World Organisation for Animal Health
- Antonio Fernandez, Cristina Casalone, Carla Fiorito, Federica Giorda, Carla Grattarola, Virginia Mattioda, Eva Sierra, Marcela Uhart, Mauricio Ulloa, WOAH Working Group on Wildlife, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration USA. Practical guide for authorised field responders to HPAI outbreaks in marine mammals, with a focus on biosecurity, sample collection for virus detection and carcass disposal.
OFFLU reports on HPAI in South America and Antarctica
Global Consultation on HPAI convened by FAO. UN Food and Agriculture Organization