fruit bat in Cambodia

Global Virome Project

Global Virome Project (2015-2020)

The Global Virome Project (GVP) is a transformative initiative based on the foundation provided by our PREDICT Project that is leading the way towards better preparedness for future pandemics. This pioneering, global partnership among organizations in the environmental, animal and human health sectors aims to catalyze and unite efforts around the world to detect and characterize nearly all unknown viruses from wild animals that are available to spillover into humans.

Properly identifying viral threats in advance of human disease could stimulate a profound shift in pandemic prevention. Instead of a reactive approach focused on response and controlling outbreaks, we envision a proactive approach where we can develop new ways to prevent spillover to humans and be ready for novel diseases caused by yet-to-be discovered viruses. 

For more information on the Global Virome Project, visit their website.