- Graduate Student Researcher, One Health Institute
Jalika J Joyner is a graduate of North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine who has a passion for One Health. While in veterinary school, she performed One Health based research in Uganda as a Morris Animal Foundation Scholar by investigating the possibility of shared pathogenicity of Salmonella among mountain gorillas and livestock in the Bwindi region. After graduating form veterinary school and engaging in clinical practice, Dr. Joyner continued her path to becoming a public health researcher as a Fogarty GloCal Health Fellow through UC Davis’ EpiCenter for Disease Dynamics. During her time in the fellowship, she piloted a study focused on characterizing mosquito ecology to inform on vector-borne disease transmission in the southwest region of Uganda. She is now continuing her research endeavors as a Ph.D. student in the Epidemiology Graduate Group at UCD. Her career goals include disease outbreaks prevention and mitigation through identification of high risk regions with a focus on emerging infectious zoonotic diseases at the wildlife-livestock-human interface
Major Professors
Christine K Johnson & Brian Bird
Education and Degrees
- DVM - North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine
- Bachelors of Science in Biology - Emory University (Minor: Sociology)
Research Interests & Expertise
One Health | zoonosis | vector-borne infectious viruses | (re)emerging infectious disease epidemiology | disease ecology