History of HALI

Founded in 2002, by Dr. Jonna Mazet of the One Health Institute, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, and Professor Rudovick Kazwala, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health, Sokoine University of Agriculture to support the application of One Health approaches to solve complex health challenges. In 2015, the Ifakara Health Institute, led by Dr. Honorati Masanja was added to the HALI family as a leading team partner focused on human health.

HALI is an international team of researchers, professionals, students, volunteers, and community members working together to better understand the interactions among humans, animals, and their shared environments in Tanzania. Today the project has grown and is now implemented by the University of California, Davis, One Health Institute, the Sokoine University of Agriculture, and the Ifakara Health Institute.

Our collaborators include the University of California San Francisco, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Vermont Gund Institute, University of New Mexico, University of Warwick, Tanzania National Institute of Medical Research, Tanzania National Parks, Friends of Ruaha Society, and Wildlife Conservation Society Ruaha Landscape Program. 

To meet the HALI family, visit our Team page.