Peer-Reviewed Publications


Advancing the ‘One Health’ workforce by integrating ecosystem health practice into veterinary medical education: The Envirovet Summer Institute (Health Education Journal) - Authors: Schwind, Gilardi, Beasley, Mazet, Smith.  

Demographics and parasites of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman, 1779) in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania (African Journal of Ecology) - Authors: Roug, Muse, Smith, Mazet, Kazwala, Harvey, Paul, Meing’ataki, Banga, and Clifford).


Educating pastoralists and extension officers on diverse livestock diseases in a changing climate in Tanzania (Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice) - Authors: Gustafson, VanWormer, Kazwala, Makweta, Paul, Smith, and Mazet.


Stakeholders in One Health (Revue scientifique et technique – Office international des epizooties) - Authors: Mazet, Uhart, Keyyu.

Utility of a fecal real-time PCR protocol for detection of Mycobacterium bovis infection in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) (Journal of Wildlife Diseases) – Authors: Roug, Geoghegan, Wellington, Miller, Travis, Porter, Cooper, Clifford, Mazet, Parsons.

Evaluation of local media surveillance for improved disease recognition and monitoring in global hotspot regions (PLoS ONE) – Authors: Schwind, Wolking, Brownstein, PREDICT Consortium, Mazet, Smith. 

Comparison of intervention methods for reducing human exposure to Mycobacterium bovis through milk in pastoralist households of Tanzania (Preventive Veterinary Medicine) - Authors: Roug, Perez, Mazet, Clifford, VanWormer, Paul, Kazwala, and Smith.

Spatial predictors of bovine tuberculosis infection and Brucella spp. exposure in pastoralist and agropastoralist livestock herds in the Ruaha ecosystem of Tanzania (Trop Anim Health Prod) - Authors: Roug, Clifford, Mazet, Kazwala, John, Coppolillo, and Smith.


Integrating the Management of Ruaha Landscape of Tanzania with Local Needs and Preferences (Environmental Management) - Authors: Masozera, Erickson, Clifford, Coppolillo, Sadiki, and Mazet.  

Tuberculosis infection in wildlife from the Ruaha ecosystem Tanzania: implications for wildlife, domestic animals, and human health (Epidemiology & Infection) - Authors: Clifford, Kazwala, Sadiki, Roug, Muse, Coppolillo, and Mazet.


A “One Health” Approach to Address Emerging Zoonoses: The HALI Project in Tanzania (PLOS Medicine) - Authors: Mazet, Clifford, Coppolillo, Deolalikar, Erickson, and Kazwala.