Submission Guidelines
The USAID One Health Workforce - Next Generation project, the University of California, Davis, and the University of California Global Health Institute are very pleased to announce an inaugural student Multimedia contest in honor of One Health Day 2023!
This contest is open to all currently enrolled students (Undergraduate level and above) from any AFROHUN and SEAOHUN member institution, or any University of California campus. Submissions must be from a team of 2 individuals; each team is only allowed 1 entry.
Contest Theme
In honor of One Health Day 2023, we’d love to learn more about what One Health means to our student community. Each submission should address at least one of the following prompts or ideas:
- What does One Health mean to you?
- How are you part of the One Health workforce?
- How can the One Health approach address global challenges?
- How have you seen the One Health approach solve a problem in your community?
- How has participating in a One Health training, workshop, or event impacted your life/career/educational trajectory?
- How has One Health impacted your community?
- How can One Health help improve diversity efforts in your community?
Deadline - *EXTENDED!*
All submissions must be received by 11:59 PM Pacific Time, October 24, 2023. Winners will be announced before One Health Day 2023, November 4, 2023.
All submissions will be entered below:
Multimedia Submission Categories
Break out your creativity!! Submissions can be the following formats:
- Short Video
- Maximum time is 3 minutes, recommend time is 90 seconds
- Non English submissions are allowed as long as there are English subtitles
- Infographic Carousel
- Tells a story on social media through a series of panels that are swiped through
- Each panel size should be a minimum of 800 x 800 pixels
- Allowed Formats: .jpeg or .png
- Minimum DPI: 300 dpi
- All text must be in English
- Poster
- Poster Size: A3, 297 x 420 mm (either landscape or portrait)
- Minimum DPI: 300 dpi
- Allowed Format: .pdf
- All text must be in English
- Absolutely no plagiarism - all content submitted must be original and your own work.
- All submissions become the property of the One Health Workforce - Next Generation project and the University of California, Davis. The project reserves the right to utilize all or portions of content submitted on social media, in project publications and other stakeholder materials, with credit to the creators.
- Each submission should have a short description / summary of your entry for inclusion for judges. If chosen to be featured on social media, portions or all of this description may be used in social media postings.
- Submissions should be inclusive and representative across the many dimensions of diversity including gender, race, religious background, etc.
- One submission allowed per team. Individuals can only be on 1 team.
Judging Criteria
Entries will be evaluated on originality, creativity, visual appeal, technical accuracy, content organization, effective communication of the message, adherence to chosen competition category, inclusivity of gender and other diversity considerations, and presentation value. Bonus points for entries that incorporate trending and modern approaches to social media and video production.
Judges will identify one winning team per region (AFROHUN, SEAOHUN & University of California).
In addition to the three winning teams, other top submissions will be shared through social media outlets.
The two individuals on each winning team will receive a prize such as travel support to attend a regional conference hosted by the University Networks, (i.e., AFROHUN, SEAOHUN, UCGHI).
Contact onehealthnextgen@ucdavis.edu (include 'CONTEST' in the subject line)