Lizzy Ashley UC Davis

Student Spotlight: Lizzy Ashley, DVM/PhDc

Lizzy Ashley’s PhD research in Dr. Christine Kreuder Johnson’s lab focuses on the ecology and epidemiology of avian influenza (e.g., HPAI H5N1) in marine wildlife. In California, she partners with the Oiled Wildlife Care Network, government agencies, and rehabilitation centers to conduct influenza surveillance in stranded and apparently healthy pinnipeds, waterbirds, and sea otters. The objectives of this research are to investigate disease impacts to these species, identify risk factors of infection and exposure, and validate rapid molecular diagnostic tests to enable early detection of disease.

elephant seal mortality

Additionally, Lizzy is building a mathematical model of H5N1 transmission among birds and pinnipeds. This aims to be a generalizable tool that agencies can use to simulate outbreaks and devise control strategies for vulnerable marine wildlife populations. To gather behavioral and epidemiological data for model development, she will join Dr. Marcy Uhart and Dr. Ralph Vanstreels in Argentina this month to study Southern elephant seal colonies that were severely affected by H5N1 in 2023.