

PREDICT Providing Emergency Support for COVID-19 Response

Over the past 10 years, USAID investments in PREDICT capacity and health systems strengthening activities have positioned our partners as crucial frontline responders and technical experts.  In the wake of the current COVID-19 pandemic, PREDICT received a funded extension in March 2020 to assist our global network of collaborating laboratories in the initial detection of SARS-CoV-2 and to support national public health response plans. 

Subawards with PREDICT consortium partners were rapidly reactivated and supported to:  (1) cover the costs of lab consumables and supplies necessary for SARS-CoV-2 testing, (2) cover the salaries of lab technicians or individuals called on to participate in local COVID-19 task forces, and/or (3) implement risk communication and infection prevention activities such as community engagement and outreach, contact tracing, and surveillance. In addition, re-activated PREDICT teams are supporting the training of lab personnel, healthcare workers, and others on an array of topics including infection prevention and control, biosafety and biosecurity, PPE best practices, and performing COVID-19 diagnostic testing in compliance with established protocols. PREDICT’s legacy and impact are clearly demonstrated by the ongoing work of our network and those working tirelessly to promote health security and support national prevention, detection, and response efforts for the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID19 outbreak response map

P2 COVID-19 support chart
Activities implemented by re-activated PREDICT partners in support of national COVID-19 response plans. Data summarized from the first monthly poll of PREDICT partners conducted in early June 2020.
COVID-19 training topics pie chart
Trainings (including those not supported by PREDICT-2 extension funds) by re-activated PREDICT partners in support of national COVID-19 response plans. Data summarized from the first monthly poll of PREDICT partners conducted in early June 2020.