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Vulnerabilities for Exposure to Emerging Infectious Disease at Urban Settlements in Nepal
David Wolking, Dibesh Karmacharya, Manisha Bista, Rima Shrestha, Pranav Pandit, Ajay Sharma, Sulochana Manandhar, Bishwo Shrestha, Shailendra Bajracharya, Tarka Bhatta, Santosh Dulal, Rajesh Rajbhandari, Brett Smith, Jonna Mazet, Tracey Goldstein & Christine Johnson
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IPBES Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Pandemics
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Fruit bats in flight
Nistara Randhawa
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Spillover of ebolaviruses into people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo prior to the 2018 Ebola virus disease outbreak
Tracey Goldstein, Manjunatha N. Belaganahalli, Eddy K. Syaluha, Jean-Paul K. Lukusa, Denise J. Greig, Simon J. Anthony, Alexandre Tremeau-Bravard, Riddhi Thakkar, Adrian Caciula, Nischay Mishra, W. Ian Lipkin, Jasjeet K. Dhanota, Brett R. Smith, Victoria M. Ontiveros, Nistara Randhawa, Michael Cranfield, Christine K. Johnson, Kirsten V. Gilardi and Jonna A. K. Mazet
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COVID-19 Data and Reporting
One of the key metrics for which this site's data are widely available is the estimate of daily new cases per 100,000 population.
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Global shifts in mammalian population trends reveal key predictors of virus spillover risk
Christine K. Johnson, Peta L. Hitchens, Pranav S. Pandit, Julie Rushmore, Tierra Smiley Evans, Cristin C.W. Young and Megan M. Doyle
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Reproduction of East-African bats may guide risk mitigation for coronavirus spillover
Diego Montecino-Latore, Tracey Goldstein, Kirsten Gilardi, David Wolking, Elizabeth Van Wormer, Rudovick Kazwala, Benard Ssebide, Julius Niziza, Zikankuba Sijali, Michael Cranfield, PREDICT Consortium & Jonna A.K. Mazet
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Global patterns in coronavirus diversity
Simon J. Anthony, Christine K. Johnson, Denise J. Greig, Sarah Kramer, Xiaoyu Che, Heather Wells, Allison L. Hicks, Damien O. Joly, Nathan D. Wolfe, Peter Daszak, William Karesh, W.I. Lipkin, Stephen S. Morse, PREDICT Consortium, Jonna A.K. Mazet, Tracey Goldstein
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Coronaviruses detected in bats in close contact with humans in Rwanda
Julius Nziza, Tracey Goldstein, Mike Cranfield, Paul Webala, Olivier Nsengimana, Thierry Nyatanyi, Antoine Mudakikwa, Alexandre Tremeau-Bravard, Dennis Byarugaba, Jean Claude Tumushime, Ivan Emil Mwikarago, Isidore Gafarasi, Jonna Mazet & Kirsten Gilardi
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Further evidence for bats as the evolutionary source of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus
S.J. Anthony, K. Gilardi, V.D. Menachery, T. Goldstein, B. Ssebide, R Mbabazi, I. Navarrete-Macias, E. Liang, H. Wells, A. Hicks, A. Petrosov, D.K. Byarugaba, K. Debbink, K.H. Dinnon, T. Scobey, S.H. Randell, B.L. Yount, M. Cranfield, C.K. Johnson, R.S. Baric, W.I. Lipkin, J.A.K. Mazet
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The discovery of Bombali virus adds further support for bats as hosts of ebolaviruses
Tracey Goldstein, Simon J. Anthony, Aiah Gbakima, brian H. Bird, James Bangura, Alexandre Tremeau-Bavard, Manjunatha N. Belaganahalli, Heather L. Wells, Jasjeet K. Dhanota, Eliza Liang, Michael Grodus, Rohit K. Jangra, Veronica A. DeJesus, Gorka Lasso, Brett R. Smith, Amara Jambai, Brima O. Kamara, Sorie Kamara, William Bangura, Corina Monagin, Sagi Shapira, Christine K. Johnson, Karen Saylors, Edward M. Rubin, Kartik Chandran, W. Ian Lipkin & Jonna A.K. Mazet
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Isolation of Angola-like Marburg from Egyptian rousette bats from Africa
Brian R. Amman, Brian H. Bid, Ibahim A. Bakarr, James Bangura, Amy J. Schuh, Jonathan Johnny, Tara K. Sealy, Immah Conteh, Alusine H. Koroma, Ibrahim Foday, Emmanuel Amra, Abdulai A. Bangura, Aiah A. Gbakima, Alexandre Tremeau-Bravard, Manjunatha Belaganahalli, Jasjeet Dhanota, Andrew Chow, Victoria Ontiveros, Alexandra Gibson, Joseph Turay, Ketan Patel, James Graziano, Camilla Bangura, Emmanuel S. Kamanda, Augustus Osborne, Emmanuel Saidu, Jonathan Musa, Doris Bangura, Samuel Maxwell Tom Williams, Richard Wadsworth, Mohamed Turay, Lavalie Edwin, Vanessa Mereweather-Thompson, Dickson Kargbo, Fatmata V. Bairoh, Marilyn Kanu, Willie Robert, Victor Lungai, Raoul Emeric Guetiya Wadoum, Moinya Coomber, Osman Kanu, Amara Jambai, Sorie M. Kamara, Celine H. Taboy, Tushar Singh, Jonna A.K. Mazet, Stuart T. Nichol, Tracey Goldstein, Jonathan S. Towner & Aiah Lebbie
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Genetic diversity of coronaviruses in bats in Lao PDR and Cambodia
Audrey Lacroix, Veasna Duong, Vibol Hul, Sorn San, Hull Davun, Keo Omaliss, Sokha Chea, Alexandre Hassnin, Watthana Theppangna, Soubanh Silithammavong, Kongsy Khammavong, Sinpakone Singhalath, Zoe Greatorex, Amanda E. Fine, Tracey Goldstein, Sarah Olson, Damien O. Joly, Lucy Keatts, Philippe Dussart, Aneta Afelt, Roger Frutos, Philippe Buchy
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Bushmeat hunting and trade in Myanmar's central teak forests: Threats to biodiversity and human livelihoods
Tierra Smiley Evans, Theingi Win Myat, Pyaephyo Aung, Zaw Min Oo, Min Thein Maw, Aung Than Toe, Tin Htun Aung, Nang Sarm Hom, Khin Thawda Shein, Kyaw Zin Thant, Ye Tun Win, Wai Zin Thein, Kirsten Gilardi, Hlaing Myat Thu, Christine Kreuder Johnson
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The Global Virome Project
Dennis Carroll, Peter Daszak, Nathan D. Wolfe, George F. Gao, Carlos M. Morel, Subhash Morzaria, Ariel Pablos-Méndez, Oyewale Tomori, Jonna A.K. Mazet
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Predicting wildlife reservoirs and global vulnerability to zoonotic Flaviviruses
Pranav S. Pandit, Megan M. Doyle, Katrina M. Smart, Cristin C.W. Young, Gaylen W. Drape & Christine K. Johnson
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Spillover and pandemic properties of zoonotic viruses with high host plasticity
Christine Kreuder Johnson, Peta L. Hitchens, Tierra Smiley Evans, Tracey Goldstein, Kate Thomas, Andrew Clements, Damien O. Joly, Nathan D. Wolfe, Peter Daszak, William B. Karesh & Jonna K. Mazet
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Building a global atlas of zoonotic viruses
Dennis Carroll, Brooke Watson, Eri Togami, Peter Daszak, Jonna A.K. Mazet, Cara J. Chrisman, Edward M. Rubin, Nathan Wolfe, Carlos M. Morel, George F. Gao, Gian Luca Burci, Keiji Fukuda, Prasert Auewarakul & Oyewale Tomori
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Detection of emerging zoonotic pathogens: An integrated One Health approach
Brian H. Bird and Jonna A.K. Mazet
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One Health proof of concept: Bringing a transdisciplinary approach to surveillance for zoonotic viruses at the human-wild animal interface
Terra R. Kelly, William B. Karesh, Christine Kreuder Johnson, Kirsten V.K. Gilardi, Simon J. Anthony, Tracey Goldstein, Sarah H. Olson, Catherine Machalaba, PREDICT Consortium, Jonna A.K. Mazet
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Implementing One Health approaches to confront emerging and re-emerging zoonotic disease threats: lessons from PREDICT
Terra R. Kelly, Catherine Machalaba, William B. Karesh, Paulina Zielinska Crook, Kirsten Gilardi, Julius Nziza, Marcela M. Uhart, Erika Alandia Robles, Karen Saylors, Damien O. Joly, Corina Monagin, Prime Mulembakani Mangombo, Placide Mbala Kingebeni, Rudovick Kazwala, David Wolking, Woutrina Smith, PREDICT Consortium & Jonna A.K. Mazet
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A community-based One Health education program for disease risk mitigation at the human-animal interface
Amanda M. Berrian, Martin H. Smith, Jacques van Rooyen, Beatriz Martínez-López, Monica N. Plank, Woutrina A. Smith, Patricia A. Conrad
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Advancing the 'One Health' workforce by integrating ecosystem health practice into veterinary medical education: The Envirovet Summer Institute
Jessica S. Schwind, Kirsten V.K. Gilardi, Val R. Beasley, Jonna A.K. Mazet, Woutrina A. Smith
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Suspected exposure to filoviruses among people contacting wildlife in Southwestern Uganda
Tierra Smiley Evans, Leonard Tutaryebwa, Kirsten V. Gilardi, Peter A. Barry, Andrea Marzi, Meghan Eberhardt, Benard Ssebide, Michael R. Cranfield,Obed Mugisha, Emmanuel Mugisha, Scott Kellermann, Jonna A.K. Mazet, and Christine K. Johnson
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